
April Zuniga's Asset-based Community Development MOU Page










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Providing Family Literacy Opportunities for Families of Underserved Populations

A Partnership between High Meadows Branch Library and the Aldine Family Hope Center.  


Partners: April Zuniga, Children's Librarian at High Meadows Branch Library, Bilal Salahuddin Branch Manager at High Meadows Branch Library, Sylvia Bolling Founder and Director of the Aldine Family Hope Center. 






ALSC Competencies – Zuniga_MOU_Competencies.docx


 Evidence-based Practice  

     Peifer, Karen, and Linda Perez. 2011. "Effectiveness of a Coordinated Community Effort to Promote Early Literacy Behaviors." Maternal & Child Health Journal 15, no. 6: 765-771. Retrieved through CINAHL Plus, EBSCOhost. Texas Woman’s University Library (accessed November, 2014). 

Do community literacy intervention programs help families become more involved in reading? Karen Peifer and Linda Perez steered the study titled “Effectiveness of a Coordinated Community Effort to Promote Early Literacy Behaviors” to answer whether or not community intervention such as book distribution and home visits was working. The study shows a positive movement when literacy programs are introduced to families by community organizations. The study showed that once parents were introduced to the constructive impact that literacy has for their children they engage in positive literacy behaviors.    

     Martinez, Gilda. 2008. "Public libraries--Community organizations making outreach efforts to help young children succeed in school." The School Community Journal 18, no. 1: 93-104. Retrieved through PsycINFO, EBSCOhost. Texas Woman’s University Library (accessed November 2014)


The study shows how much children benefit greatly when they participate in a reading program. The report also states that even a few hours during the summer of reading activities will help the child significantly (Luftig 2003, 10). Studies like this prove that children excel when they are engaged in a reading program of some sort. It shows how much literacy is an important factor in how much they learn and become ready for school.


Measures for Success



Responsibilities of the Partners






 Ending the Partnership


Capstone Stage 3 Reflection

Stage three of the Capstone Experience was really great, because it made me actively think of the reality of this partnership. Not only was I able to understand key concepts of a partnership, but I was able to organize thoughts and processes in a way that would benefit both agencies in the collaboration. I feel that it is easy to say that two agencies can work together, but there is so much more to it than that. There are several different measures to take in order to successfully plan and execute a collaboration between two agencies, regardless if they share the same mission statement and goals. There needs to be a knowledge of the client group, programming skills, advocacy and networking skill, communication skills, and management and Administration skills as well.

I feel this assignment effectively connected classroom theories to real-world experiences through allowing us to plan a very specific Memorandum of Understanding between our two agencies. Also, by including the ALSC Competencies, I was able to see how these theories work in the real environment. Thinking of budgets, timelines, responsibilities, and goals for both agencies helped me understand the hard work that needs to be put in when working in any partnership, especially one that shares your same agenda.

The second student learning objective is extremely evident in part 3 of the capstone project because it really encourages us to use our critical thinking and problem solving skills through this Memorandum of Understanding. Examples of this include, coming up with budgets and funding sources. Also, executing a plan of action for an exit strategy if the partnership doesn’t go well. All of these critical thinking skills and knowledge are important in order to create a professional collaboration that benefits both agencies, but that most importantly benefits the community. Thinking of the objectives and goals were also an important part of the student learning outcomes. In order to reach the goals and objectives, we had to understand how we were going to get there.

By working on this template, I have learned that working with another agency is hard work. It forces you to expand your mind and think outside of the box. Most importantly, it allows for new and innovative ideas that will benefit communities in desperate need of them. There are many responsibilities that accompany these types of projects, but it is important to note that even though it is difficult, the end result is always worth it.