

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 9 years, 7 months ago

TLA Workshop


Posted to the ALSC Listserv: "Storytime is an education class at the library. We model for parents to use good books, how to read them aloud, how to ask their children questions and what other ideas you can use from a good book to enhance your child's knowledge. We show how to use early literacy skills by using reading, talking, singing, playing, and writing. We teach how to build on a child's prior knowledge and tie that into something new. It can be and is many times the first real public exposure for children and parents and how to act in a new group of people. Storytime is an education class at the library, done by educators."

Dianna Burt
Assistant Branch Manager, Children's Librarian
Hessen Cassel Branch Library
Fort Wayne, IN 46816


Workshop based on ECRR2 and Every Child Ready for School: Helping Adults Inspire Young Children to Learn (Stoltz, Czarnecki, and Wilson 2013)

1. Start with early literacy concept.
2. Decide on background knowledge/content knowledge to develop with participants.
3. Decide on age-appropriate activities to model.
4. Pick one activity for guided practice with participants.
5. Plan time to discuss how the activities fit into participants’ learning environment.

Planning Draft - Topic: Friendship

1. Early Literacy Concept: Increasing conversation/comprehension increases vocabulary and readiness to read.

2. Background knowledge/content knowledge: "Be Able to Tell a Story." (aka Principles of dialogic reading.)

3. Age-appropriate activities to model:

Introduction: Inside-Outside Circle – meeting neighbors

Singing with Gestures: “The More We Get Together!” - Sing/Talk/Read/Write/Play - http://tinyurl.com/lymk3pw    


Fingerplay: "Where is Thumbkins?" (Thumbkins, pointer, tall man, ring man, pinkie)

Song (for readiness to read and listen): “My Hands/Mis manos”


My hands upon
my head I place

On my shoulders,
on my face.

Then I raise them
way up high.

Let my fingers
fly, fly, fly.

Clap, clap, clap.

               One, Two, Three.

See how quiet
they can be.

Mis manos
aquí las pongo,

y los hombros,

y la cara.

Entonces las
levanto ya.

Y mis dedos


Tas, tas, tas.

     Uno, dos, tres.

Nos quedamos quietos

esta vez.


Co-read Aloud: Margaret and Margarita/Margarita y Margaret by Lynn Reiser (Greenwillow 1993)


Movement Activity. "Shake Your Sillies Out" by Raffi: http://tinyurl.com/k67xole


4. Activity to Model


"Be Able to Tell a Story" (Activity for guided practice) A Circle of Friends by Giora Carmi (Star Bright Books 2006) – wordless so the reading can be conducted in any language


Movement Activity/Song: "The Child Plants the Seed" (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"


The child plants a seed.

The child plants a seed.

Hi-ho, the derry-o…

The child plants a seed.


The sun warms the soil. 

The rain waters the seed. 

The seed begins to grow. 

The child plucks the weeds. 

The plant begins to grow. 

The plant begins to bloom.


5.  Discussion of how the activities fit into participants’ learning environment.  


Closing Song: “The More We Get Together!” (Redux) - Sing/Talk/Read/Write/Play



Handout (targeted to parents and caregivers - not graduate student!) : Be Able to Tell a Story (aka Principles of Dialogic Reading)



Association for Library Service to Children. Every Child Ready to Read® @your library®. http://www.everychildreadytoread.org/ (accessed March 30, 2014).


Carmi, Gioria. 2003. A Circle of Friends. New York: Star Bright Books.


Dorothy Stoltz, Elaine M. Czarnecki, and Connie Wilson. 2013. Every Child Ready for School: Helping Adults Inspire Young Children to Learn. Chicago: ALA Editions.


Reiser, Lynn. 1993. Margaret and Margarita/Margarita y Margaret. New York: Greenwillow.


Williams, Sarah. 1983. Round and Round the Garden: Play Rhymes for Young Children. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


ECRR2 Handout

Side A for Parents/Caregivers

Side B for LM Cohort Students


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