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Mandy's Digital Advocacy Story: Awareness to Impact



  From the Personal Collection of Mandy Sheffield - Used with permission 






Created at Tagxedo.com


Story Title and Link: Awareness to Impact 


Digital Advocacy Story Reflection 


Digital Advocacy Story Reflection Script  


Meme:  Awareness of Your Audience = The Ability to Impact!


One-sentence Theme: Children's librarians should be aware of the needs of the families they serve in order to provide them with programming that makes an impact.


Competencies: Based on the Association for Library Service to Children's Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public:


I. Knowledge of Client Group

1.Understands theories of infant, child, and adolescent learning and development and their implications for library service.

2. Recognizes the effects of societal developments on the needs of children.

3. Assesses the diverse needs, preferences, and resources of the community on a regular and systematic basis.

4. Identifies patrons with special needs as a basis for designing and implementing services following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state and local regulations where appropriate.

5. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for diversity in cultural and ethnic values.

6. Understands and responds to the needs of parents, caregivers, and other adults who use the resources of the children's department.

7. Cultivates an environment which provides for enjoyable and convenient access to and use of library resources.

8. Maintains regular communication with other agencies, institutions, and organizations serving children in the community.


a. Who is your target audience? Why is this group your target audience? 

Librarians and staff performing children's programming are the target audience. The people who plan and  perform programming in a public library need to be aware of who they serve, the needs of their community, and how their program will meet their demographics needs.  


b. How does your advocacy story relate to the concept of social justice?   Public libraries exist to serve the community in which they are located. In order to do that library staff need to be knowledgeable of who makes up their community and what their needs are. Serving the public doesn't mean just being available. It means actively being aware of demographics, staying current of societal changes, and working with other community organizations in order to provide the best services possible. 




ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children). 2009. “Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries.”http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/alsccorecomps (accessed February 5, 2014).


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