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Anita Shaw's Digital Advocacy Story: Beginning with Literacy @ Your Library®



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Story Title and Link:   Beginning with Literacy @ Your Library®


Digital Advocacy Story Reflection Script


Digital Advocacy Story Reflection


Meme: Beginning with Literacy @ Your Library®


One-sentence Theme: When public libraries reach out to new parents with resources for their babies, parents feel supported in their efforts to develop their child's early literacy skills.


Competencies: Based on the Association for Library Service to Children core competencies.

I. Knowledge of Client Group

6. Understands and responds to the needs of parents, caregivers, and other adults who use the resources of the children's department.

VI. Programming Skills

1. Designs, promotes, presents, and evaluates a variety of programs for children of all ages, based on their developmental needs and interests and the goals of the library. 

5. Promotes library programs and services to underserved children and families.

VII. Advocacy, Public Relations, and Networking Skills

1. Utilizes effective public relations techniques and media to promote an awareness of and support for meeting children's library and information needs through all media.


a. Who is your target audience? Why is this group your target audience?   My audience for this digital advocacy project is pregnant mothers and new parents. My message is to create awareness of how the public library can assist new parents by providing free programming, literacy advice, and books. Often people do not realize the benefits of reading to babies and this video is one way to encourage new parents to take their babies to the library where they can obtain free early childhood literacy resources and information to help their child develop emergent literacy skills.
b. How does your advocacy story relate to the concept of social justice?  Public libraries are open to all people regardless of race, socioeconomic status, religion, or age. I purposefully include within the video people of different ages and races to represent my message. Within the video I also mention the services are free, so that those with economic difficulties do not feel excluded from programs or from borrowing materials. The way to reach young children is through their families and the library must be welcoming to all.  One of the foundations of the librarian profession as stated in the American Library Association's Core Competences of Librarianship is "the importance of effective advocacy for libraries, librarianship, other library workers, and library services" (American Library Association 2009, 1H). This video supports services for the youngest patrons.




American Library Association. 2009. "American Library Association's Core Competences of Librarianship." Accessed February 3, 2014.



Association for Library Service to Children. 2009. "Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries." Accessed February 3, 2014. http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/alsccorecomps


Literacy Matters Logo created at Tagxedo.com


Utah State Library. Salt Lake City Public Library. Flickr. JPG, http://www.flickr.com/photos/utahstatelibrary/5635793574/ (accessed Februrary 22, 2014)


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