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Mindy Enderle's Digital Advocacy Story: Diversity Matters @ Your Public Library®


Photo from the personal collection of Mindy Enderle



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Story Title and Link: Diversity Matters @ Your Public Library®


Digital Advocacy Story Reflection




Meme: Diversity Matters @ Your Public Library® 


One-sentence Theme:  By promoting diversity in the programs they create and the collections they maintain, children's librarians in a public library are fostering an appreciation for the diverse ideas, languages, and people they serve.


Competencies: Based on the the following core competencies set by the The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC):


I. Knowledge of Client Group

2. Assesses the diverse needs, preferences, and resources of the community on a regular and systematic basis.

5. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for diversity in cultural and ethnic values.

IV. Knowledge of Materials

2. Maintains a diverse collection, recognizing children’s need to see people like and unlike themselves in the materials they access.


a. Who is your target audience? Why is this group your target audience?  My intended audience is children's librarians and any other employees within the children's programming department.  My goal is that this audience takes the time to reflect and become more cognizant of how they are already promoting diversity as well as realize why diversity promotion is so important in the public library setting.
b. How does your advocacy story relate to the concept of social justice?   Every child, no matter his/her race, ethnicity, religion, etc., should grow up to see the  public library as a place to read materials and participate in activities that reflect his/her own cultural heritage.  This is especially important knowing that children are more motivated to read and listen to books that confirm and reflect their cultural heritage (Dickinson & Kaavonia, 2008).



American Library Association. 1996-2014. ALA Family Literacy Focus.
http://www.ala.org/advocacy/literacy/earlyliteracy/famlitfocus (Accessed February 22, 2014). 


Association for Library Service to Children Education Committee.  Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries. American Library Association. http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/alsccorecomps (Accessed February 21, 2014). 


Camarata, Corinne. 1991. "Making connections: Introducing multicultural books." School Library Journal 37, no. 9: 190. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (Accessed February 22, 2014).


Dickinson, Gail, & Kaavonia, Hinton. 2008. "Make the Connection: Celebrating Language Diversity to Improve Achievement." Library Media Connection 26, no. 7: 5. Literary Reference Center, EBSCOhost (February 22, 2014).


Shin, Hyon B. & Kominski, Robert A. 2007. Language Use in the United States: 2007. United States Census Bureau. http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/acs-12.pdf (Accessed February 22, 2014).


Video by One True Media and Mindy Enderle

Music by Film & Music Co. "Harp Times in the Ghetto" provided by One True Media


All media used with permission.


Copyright free photos from creativecommons.org and the personal collection of Mindy Enderle


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