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Page history last edited by Ruth Nicole Hall 10 years, 7 months ago


April's Children's Literature Blog Page



Good Reads for Reluctant Readers



 a. Who is your target audience? Why is this group your target audience?

My target audience are parents, educators, and very young reluctant readers. The reason why I have chosen this target audience is because I feel it is important to supply recommendations on great books that might engage the reluctant reader. Because parents and educators work so closely with children, my blog is a resource where they can read about the books being suggested and be able to introduce them to any children that might find them interesting.
b. What strategies would you use to help your target audience to access your blog? Why would you use those strategies?  Strategies that I would use to help my target audience access my blog would be to make the link to my blog available in public spaces. For example, I would ask local libraries if they could post my link on their websites and ask the same for school websites. I would also make flyers with my link and a good reads list. I think these strategies will help me reach a larger portion of my target audience.
c. How will you continue to contribute to the knowledge in the field of children's literature?  I will continue to update my blog with new reads and make it a point to continue to learn about my target audience. I also need to keep myself in the loop about new trends that young children might be interested in.





Association for Library Service to Children.2009. Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries.

http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareers/alsccorecomps (accessed December 29, 2013)


Book Jacket Collage created at PicMonkey.com


Literacy Matters Logo created at Tagxedo.com


Lowell, Susan. 1992. The Three Little Javelinas. Ill. Jim Harris. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.


McCloskey, Robert. 1941. Make Way for Ducklings. New York: The Viking Press.


Raschka, Chris. 2011. A Ball for Daisy. New York: Schwartz & Jade.


Willems, Mo. 2010. Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly. New York: Harper Collins.


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