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A_S_blog (redirected from Staples_blog)

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 9 years, 11 months ago

blogs Literature Blog Page of A. S.



Never Enough Books  

(for parents/educators of young children)



a. Who is your target audience? Why is this group your target audience?


Parents and various educators of young children are the most likely groups to be sharing this story with children, looking for advice on the content, and searching for ways to make it meaningful to the children.

b. What strategies would you use to help your target audience to access your blog? Why would you use those strategies?
I would print out business sized cards advertising the blog site and hand them out after Storytime at our public library that I work at. This would connect parents in our community directly and give them a visual reminder to look it up at home. I would also add a link to our library's website so that parents who are already online and looking for resources will have direct access to it.
c. How will you continue to contribute to the knowledge in the field of children's literature?
The new technological skills that I have learned will enable me to share my knowledge and expertise on children's literature with a wider audience and will help reach the younger parents who are largely computer literate.





Association for Library Services to Young Children. 2009. Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries. http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/alsccorecomps  (accessed January 10, 2014). 


Book Jacket Collage created at PicMonkey.com


Klassen, Jon. This Is Not My Hat book jacket picture accessed January 13, 2014, http://candlewick.com/bookxtras.asp?isbn=0763655996&id=&browse=title&view=jacket&jacket=./images/cwp_bookjackets/648/0763655996.jpg&bktitle=This+is+Not+My+Hat


Literacy Matters Logo created at Tagxedo.com


Steig, William. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble book jacket picture accessed February 22, 2014, http://books.simonandschuster.com/Sylvester-and-the-Magic-Pebble/William-Steig/9781442435605


Willems, Mo. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! book jacket picture accessed January 13, 2014, http://www.openlettersmonthly.com/stevereads/2011/01/dont-let-the-pigeon-drive-the-bus/



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