

Page history last edited by Ruth Nicole Hall 11 years, 1 month ago


Word cloud created at Wordle.net


Logo created at Tagxedo.com



Please follow this format for your Literacy Matters Wiki Homepage.


Literacy Matters Wiki: Homepage Guidelines

  1. LM Logo Brand and Student’s Name (align at top of page)
  2. Web 2.0 Tool Introduction 
    • Name
    • Current position in libraries (if appropriate) and any additional information you want to include
    • Why you applied to be a member of the LM cohort, or what children’s and family literacy means to you
  3. Include a print version of your script.
  4. Cite sources appropriately for multimedia including the logo.
  5. Be creative with your Web 2.0 Tool selection. Please review the Web 2.0 tools you learned about or used in LS5043: Information and Communication Technology.


Created at Tagxedo.com

Name, Literacy Matters Cohort Member



Embed Introduction here.


Post Script here.




Literacy Matters Logo. Created at Tagxedo.com.

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