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Amy Stafford's Web 2.0 Tool Project Page



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Myebook - The Kids Guide to the Library - click here to open my ebook

ALA Core Competences:

     IX. Technology

          3. Applies technological skills to provide reference services and programs for children and families.

     V. User and Reference Services

          1. Instructs children in the use of library tools and resources, empowering them to choose materials and services on their own.

     VII. Advocacy, Public Relations, and Networking Skills

           1. Utilizes effective public relations techniques and media to promote an awareness of and support for meeting children's library and information needs through all media.


Name of Tool and URL:

Myebook:  http://www.myebook.com/

11. Description of Example and Its Use in the Library:
This is a short eBook created to inform children about what they can do at the Haslet Public Library. This would be great to have on the library website and on the children's computers at the library.
12. Description of How the Example Capitalizes on the Tool's Potential:
Myebook has many potential uses in a library. Published eBooks can be shared with the public in almost any digital format, can be posted on the library website as a download, and can potentially be checked out as an eBook at the library. It will provide children with simple instructions on how to navigate the library and will give children a bit more confidence in finding items and asking for help.




American Library Association Office for Accreditation. 2009. Core Competences. http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/careers/corecomp/corecompetences (accessed December 12, 2013).


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