Rolando's Web 2.0 Tool Project Page

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Photo collage created using

ALA Core Competences
Sample Aligned to ALA Core or other ALA Division Competence(s):
Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information
3A. The principals involved in the organization and representation of
recorded knowledge and information.
Reference and User Services
5B. Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from
diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
Description of Example and Its Use in the Library:
A tutorial for using the Dewey Decimal Classification system to find books
in the library on a photo collage.
Description of How the Example Capitalizes on the Tool’s Potential:
The collage enabled me to use multiple photos together to create a storyboard of how a patron can find books in the library using the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The use of multiple photos, their layout, text, and font effects enhanced the ideas conveyed by the text and made the tutorial visually appealing.
American Library Association Office for Accreditation. 2009. Core Competences. (accessed December 12, 2013).
Anon. “Fossil Castle Point rockface fossils shells.” anon1x.jpg 2005. MorgueFile.
(accessed July 4, 2013).
“Dewey.” 2013. (accessed July 4, 2013).
“Dewey Browser.” 2013. (accessed July 4, 2013).
Kevin_P. “Library books shelves reading search study research." Library 291109 001.jpg 2010. MorgueFile. (accessed July 4, 2013).
Kowalski, Richy. “A fossil of the tail of a trilobite." foss003.jpg . 1997. Pics4Learning. (accessed July 4, 2013).
Norman, Steve. “Fish Fossils from the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C.” nat049.jpg. Pics4Learning. (accessed July 4, 2013).
Raspberrythief. “Fossil crab bones.” IMG_3182.jpg 2013. MorgueFile.
(accessed July 4, 2013).
Tat. “Trilobite ancient preserved fossils fossil." fossile-2.jpg, 2012. MorgueFile. (accessed July 4, 2013).
Television, OCPS. “Child using a microscope." microscope1.jpg. 1998. Pics4Learning. (accessed July 4, 2013).
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