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Mindy Enderle, Literacy Matters Cohort Member
Hello everyone. My name is Mindy Enderle, and I have had the pleasure of serving the Austin Public Libraries in a variety of volunteer and professional roles over the past 5 years. Currently I work in two Austin Public Libraries as the program coordinator of two after-school tutoring programs. One of my favorite parts of the job is introducing children and their families to resources that I am proud the public library offers. My passion for early childhood literacy began when I was in college and took a service trip across the border into Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. There, I met a little boy named Chuy and his family. Chuy was a typical five year old boy, save for the fact that he and his family lived in extreme poverty. No one in Chuy’s family had ever graduated from high school, but I had hopes that Chuy would change that. Over the next five years, I sponsored Chuy, and was sent updates about him and his progress in school. Despite my best hopes, Chuy had not learned to read as he headed into 5th grade, and I was heartbroken to find out that he dropped out of school by the end of the year.
I am determined to do everything in my power to prevent other children from falling into this hole. Literacy is the gateway to life. It offers the possibility of a good job and a strong future and can be the foundation for future happiness and fulfillment.
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Literacy Matters Logo created at
Mindy's Literacy Matters projects:
Asset-Based Community Development
Children's Literature Blog
Digital Advocacy Story
Preschool Storytime Program
Web 2.0 Tool Project
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