Saved by Deborah Carter
on October 18, 2013 at 5:32:45 pm
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Deborah Carter
My name is Deborah Carter, and I'm so excited to be a part of the Literacy Matters cohort! I have been dedicated to Texas public libraries since I was a youth, through early volunteer duties, to later working and then teaching at the San Marcos Public Library, where I organized community activities for both children and adults. I am an advocate of active, community-engaged libraries. I hold a masters degree in adult education where I studied ‘intergenerational learning,’ because these kinds of learning programs can be widely beneficial to at-risk families. I'm currently working to resettle African and Southeast Asian refugees in my community, where I established ongoing literacy and culture classes for Burmese refugee mothers and their young children, and a refugee community garden, where traditions of food and culture can be taught and celebrated among the refugee families. I believe in collaboration and community involvement for public libraries and community literacy programs.
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