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A_G_homepage (redirected from gibson_homepage)

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 9 years, 11 months ago

                    A. G., Literacy Matters Cohort 
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Hello, my name is A.G. and this is my sixth and final semester at Texas Woman's University. I have been the Children's Services Supervisor at a public library for thirteen years. My future career goal in librarianship is to is to work in a Genealogy Library. In the meantime, I will continue performing story time and other events for children for many years to come.


I am looking forward to completing another semester and I’m very happy to be a part of the Literacy Matters Cohort. Being selected as a member of this Cohort is a great honor and will allow more opportunities and hopefully, more respect for all we do. I am greatly honored to have been selected since education has not been a priority in my family tree. I am only the second in my family to attend college and to receive a Bachelor’s Degree and I will be the first to receive a Masters Degree. Words cannot express how important this degree and education, in general, is to me.





Literacy Matters Logo. Created at Tagxedo.com.


Introduction created at Voki.com



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