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on December 14, 2013 at 11:29:34 am



Literacy Matters @your library®  


With a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS), in partnership with the Texas Library Association and Dallas Public Library, are (or is) offering an online master’s degree program.



This cohort of 18 students will be prepared to serve as early childhood and family literacy-focused children’s and youth librarians throughout the state of Texas. The Literacy Matters: Educating Librarians to Serve Families with Young Children project will provide an opportunity for individuals who reflect the cultural diversity of the state.



To be considered for the cohort, applicants expressed their commitment to specializing in children’s librarianship and have first-hand experience working with underserved populations. In addition to SLIS courses, students will participate in workshops, conference presentations, and a TWU Family Sciences course in child development. They are also interacting with mentors in the field of public library children’s services.



The cohort students have successfully completed their first two semesters in the program and are poised to take the next steps in their library science education.

19 August 2013


Project Coordinators' Homepages:


Dr. Judi Moreillon, Assistant Professor in SLIS, is the PI on the project. Contact: jmoreillon@twu.edu


Dr. Ling hwey Jeng, SLIS Director and Professor, serves as the co-PI.


Ruth Nicole Hall, SLIS Doctoral Student, is the graduate assistant on the project.


Sarah Merrill, SLIS Assessment Officer, serves as the data analyst and administrative assistant.



Cohort Students' Homepages:


Elena Baeza Rolando Ramirez 
Deborah Carter Anita Shaw 
Luz Earley Mandy Sheffield 
Mindy Enderle  Amy Stafford
Edgar Fuentes  Amy Staples
Amy Gibson  Sabahat Vahidy 
Kerol Harrod  Janelle Valera 
Monica Nichols
Cindi Wynia 
Leah Oswald  April Zuniga


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